Moron SiewLin : The Quest Of Selling The Eclipse Tickets

By steambunz - Saturday, July 10, 2010

I look at the time on my hand phone. It was 2.56pm. The message earlier was so devastating.
No. I'm sure I could find someone. I said to myself.
Yeah. I'm sure Harry could come. He's always free when I need a favour from him.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
Yes. He will pick up the phone. He always does.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I held on to the Eclipse tickets. 2 Eclipse tickets. Show time 4pm. Seat N6,N7.
I was sent through the voicemail box.
No. Why aren't you picking up!
I dialled again. But the same thing happens.

There is still hope. I run through my contact list.
Eric. His girlfriend would kill me.
Philip. Definately working.
Sara. She's definitely in college.
Yean Lynn. Definitely in college.

Arghh! No!!! Why is this happening!
I felt the cool air breeze against my face. It was 3.10pm when I arrived at the shopping mall.
I felt something heavy in my heart. Lost, was written all over in my face. I didn't know what to do.

No, SiewLin. You must think! Yes. Think. Think. Think.
I paced for and back, thinking.
After a few quick thinking, I brought myself a few lame-but-could-work suggestions.

1) I could watch the movie myself
2) Watch the movie with a stranger
3) Throw the ticket away
4) Drop the ticket on the floor and hopes the lucky person who picks it up will get to watch
5) Sell it

I stared blankly into space, imagining the list of suggestions happening.
I imagine a stranger molesting me in the cinema. Number 2 is definitely out.
I imagine my hard earn money being given/thrown away to a freeloader. No way. Number 3 and 4 is out.

I was lost. I was scared.
I look through my contacts again, a cold sweat broke out. My hands were cold.

"Marcus! Are you free now? You wanna watch a movie with me?!"
I was desperate. I was lost.
"No, sorry. I'm still working."

"Alvin! Where are you?! Are you free now?! You wanna watch a movie with me?!"
Each time, I could feel my hope was fading away.
"Aww...sorry. I'm still in college."

It was 3.20pm. No, no, NO!!! I could hear my heart beating fast.
I walk past stores and shop lots. Even despite the friction injury on my ankle, I still forced myself to walk fast.

I stood in the middle of the cinema ring. There were people already queuing up.
I wasn't sure whether I want to do this. I look determine and undetermined at the same time.
I was scared. A bit lost. I wasn't sure whether I want to do this.
I look like a moron walking around selling tickets.
But, no. I thought about the MONEY. Yes, the MONEYYYYYYYY...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....The RM24.
They say that, money is the root of all evil. Now, that is, the thought of money is controlling my mind.

Yes! I don't care! I want my money and I want it back! The demon side of me spoke.
No, SiewLin! You will look like a fool doing that in public! The angel side of me said.
You worked in a restaurant before right?! You should be experience in talking to strangers! Tempt them! Cheat them! Make them buy it! The demon said.
No, SiewLin. Remember last time a customer yelled at you?! Don't do it!!! The angel screamed in my brain.
(Wait, actually, I don't even know which is good and which is bad.)

I saw 2 malay girls queuing up. The next thing I know, I was walking towards them.
"Excuse me ladies. Are you interesting in buying Eclipse tickets for 2,"I kindly said, giving them the oh-so-fake-sweet smile.
The 2 girls stare at each other and look at me.
I continued,"It starts at 4pm and it's RM12 per ticket."
The girls seemed interested and nodded their heads slightly.
My heart leaped with joy!
"But, wait, what about Hassan and Jamil?" One of the girls said.
"Ahh! I almost forgot about them!" The other girl exclaim,"I'm sorry. But we need tickets for 4 person. I would have bought it, if you have 4 tickets."
"Oh, I see. That's okay. I'll find someone else then."
I gave the fake smile again and walk off. I could feel the demon side of me, cursing and swearing at them behind my back.

I closely observed the people around me. Approaching anyone who is either couples or have partners.

"Excuse me? Hi. Sorry. Are you interested in buying Eclipse tickets for 2?" 
I recalled, saying each time, with the fake smile on my face.
As each time, I was rejected, I slowly lost hope. My hope was fading away. I was slowly giving up.

It was 3.30pm.
With teary-eyes, I walk around, feeling like a lost puppy.
I look at my phone again and text a message. A message filled with emotions of lost and a feeling of abondoned.
Somehow, somewhere. There was still hope, hidden at the corner of my heart. And I tried again.

This time, approaching a couple.
"Excuse me. Hi. Are you interesting in buying Eclipse tickets for 2?" I ask sweetly. Smiling sincerely this time.
The girlfriend hesitated and nudged her boyfriend shirt.
"You want to watch Eclipse honey?"
The boyfriend put his arms around her. 
"Anything you want honey. You are the boss. Choose watever you like." He smoothens her brown dyed hair.
I felt sick of the sight but a bit relieve at the same time.
"Erhhh...." The girlfriend hesitated. "Where is the seating place at? Is it in the middle or the front?"
I paused for awhile. Should I lie or should I not lie? I thought.
The place is seated in the bloody first row!! They will surely reject. Thinking fast, I replied, "It is placed in the second front row. Right now, the Eclipse tickets are mostly all sold out. It is hard to get." Yeah. Way the go SiewLin! The second front row is not really as bad as the first row. Smart ass SiewLin!
Bad SiewLin! Lying is bad!! (Yes, even saying that the seat is on the second row, it is consider as lying) The angel said.
"Harr...then like that. I don't want already. Thanks."
"Oh. That's okay." I said dissapointedly.

I could hear my brains swearing and cursing at myself. Karma! YES! KARMA!! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR LYING!!!

Argh!! I was that close to selling it!
With a pure heart. I approach another couple. Less disgusting but uninterested, and still got rejected.

I was running out of time. It was 3.40pm.
Suddenly, I felt the bright lights shimmering and shining at 2 young malay girls who were queing in a line. Things started playing with my mind back then.
I was now, imagining the 2 girls running towards me, with money in their hands and arms waving widly in the air. And I came in the picture, running in a slow motion action, the movie ticket in my hand....and then.......


"Hi. Are you interested in buying Eclipse tickets for 2?" I smiled.
"Sorry, did you say, Eclipse tickets?"
"Yes, I did. Eclipse tickets for 2. Are you interested to buy them?" I repeated, firm and clear.
The 2 girls look at each other, filled with joy and relieved.
"Yes! YES!"

"WAIT?! Did you say, Eclipse tickets?!" The 2 Chinese girls in front of them, turned around and asked. (I asked them earlier but they weren't interested.)
"Yes, I did. But, I'm selling to them. Sorry."

"How much is it?" The Malay girl said.
"It's RM12 per ticket. So, both tickets cost RM24."
The girls dug out their purse and gave me RM22. Wait, didn't I say RM24? I knew that they don't have exact change in their purse. The way they dug for thier money says it all.
Argh!! Who cares if it's short of RM2!!! Just get rid of that bloody ticket!
I reluctantly gave the tickets and said
"Thank You."
They both thanked me, thanking me like I was some kind of a Saviour, and shriek with joy and relieved.
If only I could celebrate with someone with that same kind of joy I had, getting rid of the tickets.

But, well. I was as much more relieve when they didn't bother to ask where is the seating place. Phew.

~ ~ ~

Sometimes, challenges comes to us without us knowing it. Though, we may not be ready, but it is up to us to take it or leave it. The benefits for taking it, though, it may be a risk but it comes with great experience. The benefits for leaving it, we may be safe, but just for a short limit of time. We learn from our mistakes a bit late, where as we could actually learn from it earlier.

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4 dim sums

  1. you poor thing... :) going through so much trouble just to sell the tickets. why did you want to sell it?

  2. well sue,
    i've already watched the movie already. i promised a friend to watch it together. so i bought 2 tickets for us both.

    NO ONE wants to watch a movie alone. Logically, most people watched it with their friends or partners. So, it's kinda hard to find individual people to sell the ticket to. Plus, i don't wanna end up being their date.

    does that answer ur question?

  3. Siew Lin, I salute ur determination!!!

  4. Youre so right. Im there with you. Your weblog is definitely worth a read if anybody comes throughout it. Im lucky I did because now Ive obtained a whole new view of this. I didnt realise that this issue was so important and so universal. You definitely put it in perspective for me. XR2011K6
