I came about this post on a friends blog. It triggered my interest when I landed on ReceiptStories website. If you wonder what is that, it's a website where anyone can published their own stories, but limited up to 100 words only. So much for a person to write, huh?
I'm not a good writer, but I'm just trying this for fun. This is my first entry, and it immediately got accepted. It's not really good for my first try due to the fact it was only 100words, dang.
This short poem is about the days back in high school. Enjoy! :D
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The morning cold breeze against your skin,
The morning sun shimmering so dim,
The school bell rings very loudly,
It was time for the morning assembly.
The students chattered happily,
A teacher walks in and snaps down his books,
The class begins as it became so sleepy,
The students exchange each other their boring looks.
A bite of biscuit a student stole,
Making sure the teacher doesn't know,
Pencils scribble against their notes,
Students whined as their given more works.
Alas, I sat here, thinking back the most wonderful memories then.
It was those days back in high school.
Poem published on : http://www.receiptstories.my/staging/index.php?cd=read&story_id=408