IU Day
I see...YEAN LYNN...LOL...
The rapping gang...
Even Xuan Zhi also fell alseep watching them.. O:
NS Sketch - With a bunch of Sakaiz....LOL
The Cool Dancers...they'll be much coller if everyone wears the mask & gloves
Closing Ceremony...
The dancing was a little bit messy. I didn't know who to watch with so many people with different timing...So...I paid attention to these 2 girls instead...
After The Event, we went to watch Harry Potter with Sara, Lydia & Bernard.
Sara was holding Lydia's *XXX camera...she was so happy to be holding XXX camera...She went to check out the photos of him in the camera...
But, when she realise that there was no pictures of him... She cried...
And she laugh again...
I couldn't stand her...so I chopped off her head...*grins*
PS : *XXX doesn't stand for porn...it stands for a person's name in random...
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