Can I Help You? [Chapter 5]

By steambunz - Sunday, January 18, 2009

As Andrew stood outside the store, waiting patiently. He took a glimpse at his watch. 7.30pm it read.

"Any minute now," he said softly.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His grip tightened on the bouquet of flowers.

This is it! This is the moment I've been waiting for and there will be no mistakes!


After that incident that day, surprisingly, I begin to visit the store more quite often. Every time I see her smiling at me, it takes all my other feelings away. I wonder if that was the reason that I keep visiting that shop.

And each and every day, she's becoming more and more beautiful. No doubt, I saw some guys flirting with her at the counter after work, but a few minutes later I saw them scramming out from the store rubbing their butt. Oh, well.

I would find excuses for visiting the store. From buying coffee to buying magazines or even topping up my phone. We didn't talk much. Just a 'hi-bye' and 'how you're doing' conversation.

It slowly became a very daily routine for me. She would always prepare coffee even before I entered the store. She would give me free unwanted old magazines. But, somehow, I have a feeling of regrets after leaving the store.

Was it the boredom of the same routine everyday? That can't be it, I enjoy visiting her every single day.

Then, what was it that I wanted?

After a few days later, my questions were answered.

Cecelia begin to have regular night shifts into the wee hours of the morning. She would always wait outside alone in the dark streets for her boyfriend to pick her up. What a boyfriend he is!! Always coming late to pick her. Pathetic man he is!! Of course, I couldn't just let her wait outside like that alone in the dark. Accidents may happen. I would stay back at the office till her shift is almost over then I would go and watch out for her at the corner as she waits for her useless boyfriend to pick her up. This too, have become a regular habit. Even the beggar on the side road laughed at me, saying that I was stalking her.

One night, while I was watching her, a mysterious dark figure approaches her. She doesn't seem happy at all and by the look of her face, I sense danger. The figure grabbed her left arm before she could run and she started to struggle to set her left arm free.

I immediately took action and ran like the speed of light towards the figure and knock him down. We both fell hard onto the grey pavement as we both struggle to get up. I bash the mysterious figure in the stomach before he could get up and he fell down again, moaning in pain.

"Leave her alone you pervert moron," I said, out of breath.

The dark figure immediately got up and ran and disappear into the darkness of the streets.

I felt so relieved but yet heroic for the brave thing I did. I turned around and expected a gratitude from Cecelia. But I was so wrong.

In return, I saw her, knelt down on the floor, her eyes were now flooded with tears. She stares at me with her innocent eyes. A feeling of fear and loneliness. Seeing her in that state sent a million spears right straight into my heart. This painful feeling which it's so hard to describe about this overwhelming pain.

She begin to cry uncontrollably and all I could do was stand there, looking at her hopelessly. I felt loneliness and a feeling of sadness for the very first time. A feeling of pain.

Her cries were slowly beginning to turn into soft little sobs as she tries to wipe away her tears with her palm. I slowly squat down beside her and gave a small pat on her head.

"Don't cry, I will always be right here watching over you...," I said tenderly.

She turn and look at me.

"I promise,"I continued the sentences.

She suddenly burst out crying again. I stare at her, speechless.

What did I do wrong? I thought to myself.

Out of nowhere, she sprang towards me, her arms widely spread, hugging me as I felled backwards.

After she calmed down, I build up the guts to ask her out. She nodded with a smile on her face.
And to me, that's all it matters.


The door suddenly fling open as Cecelia stepped out from the store, her handbag in hand.
She scanned the surroundings before spotting a well dressed man standing with a buquet of flowers. Cecelia gave him a smile.

"Waited very long,"she asked.

Andrew smiled at her and said...

"I was waiting for you all along my dear."
[To Be Continue]

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