Re1nCarnat3 Quitted HeiSerHui Guild

By steambunz - Monday, May 19, 2008

Haizz...Re1nCarnat3 quitted HeiSerHui...feel like a big lose. Nothing special bout him. But, he's an ok type of person. Sometimes flirting around me,though...=.= Very horny towards me sometimes...=.=ll

Lvl91, Priest
Reason For Leaving : To Join Smash guild, so that he can be protected by them
Date On Leaving : 16th of May 2008, right after the 3rd annivesary patch

HaizZ...wasn't HeiSerHui allied with Smash guild? Why want quit guild to join Smash?

Anwayz, wish you all the best Re1nCarnat3. Hope you have enjoyed being in HeiSerHui.^^
And, you la...need to edit the HeiSerHui family guild picture again....T.T make me so troublesome.=.=

<3 HeiSerHui
Huat Arhhhhhh!!!

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