== No Thanks To Eddie For The Tagged

By steambunz - Saturday, November 08, 2008

1. What's your most favourite colour?
- any colour. Mostly chooses green

2. Who is the most important to you?
- my family n friends

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
- never. coz if I did, I will go to hell

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
- 50%

5. How many babies you want?
- I'm still a teenage girl. Ask me when I get married. :x

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
- erh...duh? Teachers even teach us the formation of rainbow in school.==

7. What is your goal for this year?
- I have no idea...didn't think about that one...going to Singapore?

8. Do you believe in eternity love?
- hmm...maybe?

9. Do you think that the person who tag you,like to play kidnaping?
- EDWARD!!! U KIDNAP ME!!! HOW DARE YOU!!! (lol... ._.v)

10. What are you really afraid of?
- heights? blood?

11. What is your bad habit?
- biting the tip of my pen/pencil

12. Do u have a secret crush?
- erh...not thinking about any relationships now

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
- yeah. Duh...==

14. What does flying means to you?
- you take the lift to the highest floor of KLCC. you look down and jumped down. you spread your arms wide and feel the air blowing hard against your body. later, you find yourself with wings and you can fly. that's flying.

15. What do you crave for the most currently?
- a part time job!!! @ cash!!! a trip to Singapore!!! getting my laptop speaker fix!!!

16. Are you single/relationship?
- It's complicated. Relationship.

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
- Why you tag me? WHY? WHY?! WHY?! (done! 7 words!! :x)

18. What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
- playing computer. eating char siew pao~x3

19. What is the worst case scenario happen to you in your life?
- i met an old man in a bus stop who show me his...dick...

20. Which you prefer, Char Siew Pao or Char Siew Meat? =P

Instructions: Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people. List them out at the end of the post.Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

Tagged :

1. Clement xD
2. Emma x3
3. Wuei Ging!!! :D
4. Patrick :3

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